Tuesday, January 16, 2007

MeGaNs ParTy!!!

Megan's party was way fun!
a lot of girls were at her party like Madalyn, Sarah H,Jade, Michelle, Sarah D, Kristi, Sharon, and of course the Birthday girl Megan. we had a bunch of fun, we stayed up late telling "scary stories"just kidding they we really stupid lol. we played night games and board games we had a talent show we ate cake and that kind of stuff it was really fun! Except we didn't go to the mall :(


My Awesome Life!!! said...

sorry we didnt get to go to the mall. we didnt even go! but maybe next time.hehe. u dont look bad in that picture.lol.

M E G A N said...

yeah, thanks for coming to my b-day party. i had alot of fun too. sorry about the mall thing tho, i really wanted to go too! :)